Happiness IS A Decision
Do you realize that everyday when you wake up in the morning, you have the power to decide whether or not you're going to be happy on that paticular day? Amazingly, many people fail to realize this. I must say that I was one of these people. Fortunately, my eyes were opened and I began to realize that I was falling into the trap of misconceptions about what happiness truly is. In order to understand this, let me first define the word happiness. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, happiness is defined as 'being in a state of well-being and contentment.' Therefore, happiness is decided by internal factors, not external. So many people blame there unhappiness on external factors instead of looking within. How amy times have you come in contact with someone who has blamed their unhappiness on their job or on their financial situation? Look at relationships for example. How many relationships do you know of that ended because one person was looking for the othe...