
Showing posts from August, 2010

Happiness IS A Decision

Do you realize that everyday when you wake up in the morning, you have the power to decide whether or not you're going to be happy on that paticular day? Amazingly, many people fail to realize this. I must say that I was one of these people. Fortunately, my eyes were opened and I began to realize that I was falling into the trap of misconceptions about what happiness truly is. In order to understand this, let me first define the word happiness. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, happiness is defined as 'being in a state of well-being and contentment.' Therefore, happiness is decided by internal factors, not external. So many people blame there unhappiness on external factors instead of looking within. How amy times have you come in contact with someone who has blamed their unhappiness on their job or on their financial situation? Look at relationships for example. How many relationships do you know of that ended because one person was looking for the othe

Wisdom Reigns Supreme

When you hear the word wisdom, what is the first thing that comes to mind? I know for me certain people that are wise come to mind such as my grandfather and my father. But what is wisdom and what does it mean? The Merriam Webster dictionary uses words such as, 'knowledge, insight, good sense, good judgement, and learning'to describe wisdom. The bible describes wisdom in several ways, the most important being that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." The bible goes on to encourage the embracing of wisdom while at the same time gaining knowledge and understanding. In this world today, many people lack wisdom both everyday people and people in positions of power. On a daily basis there are many people who just make bad decisions whether it has to do with their marriage, finances, career, family, or health. Furthermore, those who are in positions of power such as CEOs of large corporations and politicians, make decisions on our behalf that are fooli

Push Past Pain

If you ask anyone who has lived any length of time in this world whether or not they've experienced pain, I'm 99.9 percent sure they'll answer a resounding 'YES!' If they happen to say 'No' then my response is to just keep on living because it won't be long. The bottom line is that at some point in one's life, you're going to experience pain. Whether you lose a loved one or it's something of a physical, relational, or financial nature, you are bound to experience some sort of pain in your life. This is why it is so very important to be able to 'Push Past Pain' in order to move on in your life. When you dwell on the pain, it can overtake you to the point where multiple areas of yor life are negatively impacted as well. Meanwhile, life continues to pass you by. I understand that it's easier said than done but having gone through some extremely trying times myself, I also understand that those of us that are able to 'Push P

Decisions in Life

Do you realize that life is made up of a series of decisions? Everyday we are all faced with the challenge to make good decisions. It is our hope that we make the best decision and the right decision that will put us on the path towards a fulfilling and successful life. But what if this doesn't happen and you wind up making a bad decision that puts you on the path towards difficulty and disappointment? What do you do then? Where do you go from there? Well it's been said that "life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it." Sounds good right? But what does this really mean? If you have ever made a bad decision in your life, and I'm sure you have, then how you recover from it is directly linked to how you react to it. It doesn't matter if it was a decision that affected you financially, relationally, physically or what have you. The most important point in all of this is to get back in the game and make things work out the be