Wisdom Reigns Supreme

When you hear the word wisdom, what is the first thing that comes to mind? I know for me certain people that are wise come to mind such as my grandfather and my father. But what is wisdom and what does it mean? The Merriam Webster dictionary uses words such as, 'knowledge, insight, good sense, good judgement, and learning'to describe wisdom. The bible describes wisdom in several ways, the most important being that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." The bible goes on to encourage the embracing of wisdom while at the same time gaining knowledge and understanding. In this world today, many people lack wisdom both everyday people and people in positions of power. On a daily basis there are many people who just make bad decisions whether it has to do with their marriage, finances, career, family, or health. Furthermore, those who are in positions of power such as CEOs of large corporations and politicians, make decisions on our behalf that are foolish and cause so much turmoil. As a result of these bad decisions, many lives are driven into a deep ditch that takes months, years, and sometimes a lifetime to get out of. Why is this so? A major reason is because the way that one sees things is right in their own eyes rather than taking the time to gain the proper knowledge and understanding in order to develop the wisdom necessary to make the best decision.

Therefore, seek out those who use wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to guide their lives and see what they have to say about the decisions you are facing. If and when you do this, Wisdom will Reign Supreme and your life as well as the way of this world will be better for it.

Signing Out,
"Love up on your Family b/c Family is most important."


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