Family IS the Foundation

When I was a kid, I was fortunate enough to grow up in a loving home with my father and mother who have been married for 39 years now, 2 older brother, and a sister. This was what I considered to be normal. I figured that everyone was raised in a loving home with both parents and siblings. As I grew up, I recognized that this was becoming the exception and no longer the rule. Why is this? Simple answer to a complicated question; our society is out of control and over time has dismantled the Foundation of the Family. Just to name a few; teenage pregnancy is at an all time high, the terms "baby mama" and "baby daddy" are used to define relationships, father's are not owning up to their responsibility of fatherhood, violence has been on the rise, and there is a lack of respect for authority that has become more and more prevalent. The bottom line is this; a child's first experience with the world starts in the home and they will learn and develop the skills needed to function in society from their home life for better or worse. This means that they will develop educational skills, relational skills, financial skills, health skills, emotional skills, spiritual skills, and psychological skills most of which will be learned through observation within the family dynamic. Therefore, if a child grows up in a home where their father abuses their mother, then one of the things this child learns is that the way couples relate to each other is by fighting, getting physical, yelling, and using degrading language. This then paints a picture in that child's mind which could potentially have a negative affect on their future relationships. Conversely, if a child grows up in a loving home where they see their parents respecting one another, and communicating in love then they will draw a completely different picture. The same can be said for any other area of their life. You see you can only teach what you know and if you were taught bad habits then more than likely you will live those out in your adulthood and carry them over into the next generation.

This is why the family dynamic needs to undergo a massive reconstruction period. Recent generations have toyed with the traditional structure of the family and our society has greatly suffered for it. It's time for people to stand up and say Enough is Enough. Fathers need to commit themselves to their children, and there needs to be a Love that surpasses all understanding within the family that says no matter what the difficulty, we're going to stick together and make it through. If and when this happens, our society will forge ahead stronger than ever before and future generations will benefit because there were a people that stood up and rebuilt the Foundation of Family.

Signing Out,
"Love up on your Family b/c Family is most important."


  1. Really like your stuff. Would like to tweet it, could you enable the twitter icon at the bottom of your posts. Thanks and keep up the good work and honesty.


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